- I 'll come to the party on the condition that you don 't wear those ridiculous trousers ?
- 我会参加这个晚会,条件是你不穿那种可笑的裤子!
- Dumpy twin brothers tweedledee and tweedledum keep arguing all day long on what trousers they should wear during the week .
- 矮胖的双胞胎兄弟对对的和对对得天天都在争论一星期都该怎样变幻不同的裤子,真是臭美。
- In china men usually wear the trousers at home .
- 在中国,男人通常是一家之主。
- Merchant says I saw early this side baby is certain very poor wear the trousers that takes a hole to connect us like them here no longer somebody was worn .
- 店主说“我早就看出来了,这帮娃娃一定很穷,像他们都穿带洞的裤子连我们这儿都不再有人穿了”。
- Wang has to wear three layers of cotton-padded clothes and trousers to protect himself from the cold and dampness .
- 小王必须穿上填了三层棉花厚的衣服和裤子,才能保护自己不至于患上风寒湿。
- If you choose wisely you will be able to wear the jacket and trousers as separates which makes a careful wardrobe choice go a long way .
- 如果选择够明智,你还可以配穿不成套的夹克和裤子,这样,即使简单的衣橱也可以发挥很大作用。
- The department of physical education writes : wear the goalkeeper of trousers only and did not wear shorts sharp edge and defend can you still call a football the team ?
- 体育系写道:只有穿长裤的守门员,而没有穿短裤的锋和卫,还能叫足球队吗?
- If she can turn around the internet 's biggest basket case while dandling a newborn on her knee it will be the greatest triumph for working women since winning the right to wear trousers to the office ( which did not happen until 1994
- 如果她能让互联网巨头雅虎的状况改善的同时照顾好她的新生小孩,那么对于女性工作者而言,这将是继赢得穿牛仔裤上班的权利(直到1994年后的加州才实现)后的又一次伟大的胜利。